Split boundary with an imported Reference Line

Split boundary with an imported Reference Line


Definition of Agricultural Terraces

Terraces are structures built on sloped terrains to control surface runoff from rainwater, reducing soil erosion and promoting water infiltration. They consist of furrows or raised barriers arranged transversely to the slope of the land, creating obstacles that slow down the flow of water.

Importance of Terraces

  • Erosion Control: Reduce the loss of fertile soil caused by surface runoff.
  • Water Conservation: Increase water infiltration into the soil, enhancing groundwater storage.
  • Soil Fertility Improvement: Prevent the removal of soil nutrients, maintaining quality for cultivation.
  • Agricultural Sustainability: Boost long-term productivity while protecting natural resources.
  • Climate Impact Mitigation: Lessen the effects of heavy rainfall, minimizing flooding and sedimentation.

Terraces are an essential practice for sustainable management of agricultural areas, particularly in regions with steep terrains or high rainfall incidence.

Guidelines for Using Terraces in Launch Pad

To work with terraces in Launch Pad, they must be properly mapped along with the boundary of the area of interest.

If you prefer, you can also create the terraces outside of Launch Pad using other software and then export them in Shapefile or KML formats. These files can later be imported into Launch Pad.

Regardless of the chosen method, it is essential that the terraces are in a compatible format to ensure functionality within Launch Pad.

Testing with Available Boundary and Terraces

We have provided a boundary and a set of terraces for you to test the step-by-step instructions detailed below.

Follow the detailed guidelines to ensure that the processes are completed correctly. If you have any questions, please contact our support team.

Accounts linked to MyJohnDeere Operations Center: Fields edited within Launch Pad will not sync back to Deere automatically.

Step-by-Step Guide To Split a field from an imported reference line

1- Access Your Launch Pad Account
  1. Log in to your account.
  2. If you don’t have an account yet, create a new one using this link: https://app.vergeag.com/login.
2- Upload the Files
  1. In the main menu, go to the Files tab.

  1. Upload the compressed (ZIP) file of the boundary.
  2. Then, upload the compressed (ZIP) file of the terraces.
  3. Confirm that both files have been successfully uploaded.

3- Select the Field

  1. Return to the menu and navigate to the Land tab.

  1. Select the field to be split
4- Split the Boundary
  1. Select the Split tool under Boundary Action

  1. Under "Select Line Type" select "Imported Lines"
    1. All lines imported that intersect with the selected field will display. 

Gray lines indicate that they are deactivated and will not be used in the planning process. This can happen if the lines are too short or if they do not touch (or cross) the field boundary.

  1. Select/Deselect the lines to split the boundary by
    1. All Bold lines are selected.  To deselect a line click the line and it will no longer be bold red

5- Save the new Boundary
  1. Click Save As to save the new boundary with a new name.  Click Done 
    1. To make the new Split boundary the active default boundary select the check box next to  "Set this boundary as Active"
    2. The newly split boundary will be selectable in the boundary dropdown while creating Path Plans
6- Make the Path Plan

To begin the planning process, click on the Path Planner option.


1- Why Do Some Lines Appear in Gray?

Gray lines indicate that they are deactivated and will not be used in the planning process. This can occur if the lines are too short or if they do not touch (or cross) the field boundary.

2- I Don't Want to Use All the Lines I Imported. Is It Possible?
Yes, it is possible to deactivate the lines you don’t want to use. Simply select the lines and deactivate them. The deactivated lines will appear in red but with a thinner thickness compared to the active lines. Refer to the image for an example of this.

3- Does Importing Lines Consume Credits?
No, the process of importing lines, boundaries, or dividing fields does not consume your credits.

4- Why Should I Name the Boundary When Saving?
When using terraces (or any reference lines) for planning, the boundary will be divided based on these references. It’s important to name the new boundary generated after the division to make it easier to identify and organize. Example: "Divided with two terraces."

5- Do I Lose the Original Field When Dividing It?
No, the original field is preserved. The division creates new areas based on the original field, which remains intact.

6- How Do I Find the Original Field?
When creating the line project for your field, you will see the option to choose the boundary. Therefore, "boundary" and "field" are not synonymous. A field can have more than one boundary, depending on how it is divided or segmented.

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